[KAZNA] Kazna Kru

Nobody canna cross it!


Kazna Kru is recruiting NEW clanmembers!
> PM Maras1410 or Jednorozec_prdici_duhu in game
> Don't write if you got below 3k DPG on Xs or less than 300 battles per month
> Exceptions - 3 MoE Pz.Kpfw. VII

Relaxed Retirement Zoo:
> Chill atmosphere with a sense of humor
> Daily credit boosts
> 3 MoE IS-4s

Discord: https://discord.gg/uCtYgEbq7v

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 96

Ø Batallas43559
Ø WN82806,30

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
Coa_Tebra_xDBaja 17/02/2025, 06:18 UTC
Jurko_NikeboyIngreso09/02/2025, 12:59 UTC
TaHKuCT_BaC9lIngreso06/02/2025, 04:40 UTC
_ChThC_Baja 04/02/2025, 23:24 UTC
onlyyfanssBaja 29/01/2025, 07:18 UTC
DavidHgwIngreso28/01/2025, 07:40 UTC
_SkaLL1Ingreso27/01/2025, 17:31 UTC
GoHard_STEFANBaja 24/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
onlyyfanssIngreso18/01/2025, 22:46 UTC