[WILLI] Patton's Willie


We are a social clan. We accept all skill levels. No toxic players no drama. Remember it's a game and games should be fun. Members are encouraged to have a working mic and use Discord. There is no minimum play requirement, however you must be active within a 30 day period or you will be excluded. Members need to be 18 years old.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 40

Ø Batallas19662
Ø WN8872,20

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
VolamanIngreso26/02/2025, 20:02 UTC
kevinthetank6Ingreso25/02/2025, 17:35 UTC
skilledhands2Baja 22/02/2025, 03:01 UTC
Gen_ScrewupIngreso21/02/2025, 17:20 UTC
KuroishBaja 20/02/2025, 03:01 UTC
Msgt_FokkerIngreso17/02/2025, 20:47 UTC
Tommy691Ingreso17/02/2025, 20:41 UTC
YiLong_MaIngreso16/02/2025, 18:27 UTC
jgb3Baja 30/01/2025, 15:01 UTC