[W2CKD] Wicked Two

A Wicked Clan With A Wicked Plan


W2CKD is part of the WICKED Clan group. W2CKD is looking for people who are available evenings for Platooning & Stronghold Skirmishes. Our Prime Time is US Eastern. We are here to learn and teach with ample opportunity to platoon. While competitive spirits are both welcomed and encouraged; we want clan members with good attitudes, a sense of humor and people who treat this game like it’s a game. No drama allowed. Our Command is no pressure adults that want to succeed without losing sight of the fact that our main objective is to have fun .

- Over 18 yrs old mature adults
- Battle Count must be over 1500
- Minimum of Three Tier 6 vehicles
- Teamspeak3 is Required While Gaming - Server = wicked.teamspeak3.com
- Registration on the Clan Forum is required
- Clan Meeting Every Tuesday 8:00pm Eastern

Click Here To Visit Our WICKED Rules and Info Page for Full Information and Links

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 1

Ø Batallas116
Ø WN8778,67

Miembros del Clan

#Nombre del jugador30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoriasBatallasUltima batallaPosiciónIngreso

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas

#Nombre del jugador7D Battles30D Battles

Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha