[W-UN3] World Of Tanks University NA3

Stay Alive, Do Damage, Get Kills!!!


We are a part of Sir Havocs’ wot-uni EU community which is based on learning and our goal is to have fun and improve our game play.
We provide a friendly no pressure environment where there are limited demands on commitment, but we do ask members playing in Platoons, Strongholds, Team Battles to be logged into Teamspeak with a working mic and headset and attend with regularity.
1. English speaking with a sense of humor and 16 + years of age
2. Use Teamspeak, Headset with MIC when logged into world of tanks
3. Willingness to improve and work as a Team player

We are currently recruiting reliable, active players and invite applications. You must visit us in teamspeak to be interviewed. Get to know us and give us a chance to get to know you.

WOT-UNI's Teamspeak is: ts3.havocxgaming.com
Our Channel in TS is: [W-UNI] WoT University NA3
When you hit the entrance lobby Ask to speak with one of our officers.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 1

Ø Batallas0
Ø WN80,00

Miembros del Clan

#Nombre del jugador30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoriasBatallasUltima batallaPosiciónIngreso

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas

#Nombre del jugador7D Battles30D Battles

Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha