We are recruiting players to have fun platooning, strongholds and tourneys. If your looking for a clan to make your home stop by and chat with one of our Officers.
Clan requirements
Capable callers are exempt from stats requirements
•1100 WN8 + 52% win rate 60-day/1k battles OR 900 WN8 + 50% overall.
•3 tier VI and 2 tier VIII Strongholds (exceptions can be made)
•Must be on TeamSpeak while in game
Applicants must:
•Have a mic and access to TeamSpeak 3
•Include short & long term goal in your application
•Tier VI (LT: T37 - MT: Cromwell - HT: T 150, VK36.01H, KV-85 - SPG: FV304)
•Tier VIII (LT: Ru 251, T49, AMX 13-90 - MT T69, Obj 416, STA-1, IS-3, 110, AMX 50-100, T32, Tiger II – SPG: M40/M43)
Commander - aaowens
Officers - Purplefoxhound, Bigdogwill52299, Droctagonapus.
Team Speak: ts73.gameservers.com:9261