[MFL] Madcox's Feral Legionnaires

In Madcox We Trust! But Not To Far...


We are a happy Regiment of Family and Friends. We are not a hard core group but do like to find ways to work with one another to win battles. For now we lend ourselves out as Legionnaires United under one Banner. When our numbers are good we fight as one for the clan in Skirmishes and Platoons. Win or lose we have fun together and together we may help each other became better Tankers. So please don't be shy and give us a try, you will be welcomed by all in Clan "MFL".

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 20

Ø Batallas8640
Ø WN8830,50

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
tank_destroyer_10Baja 06/02/2025, 15:00 UTC