[C_W_G] Celtic War Gods

I care not whether I die tomorrow or next year, if only my deeds live after me.


We seek players to socialize, platoon, and do Stronghold Skirmishes. We wish to expand into Clan Wars, Team Battles, Tournaments, etc.

First and foremost this is a game. We understand that stats, skills, and medals don't always equal fun. If you judge a clan only by its Win Record and Stats then you should look elsewhere.

We are a casual clan that looks to sharpen our skills and improve our team synergy. We want to have fun doing this. We focus on clan members who enjoy participating in clan activities. We would welcome any player who shares these goals to join us.

Requirements go as follows:

1.) For Clan activities you will need Teamspeak 3. We have a private Teamspeak 3 server.
2.) Stronghold Skirmish involvement is encouraged. Skirmish times are flexible but often Saturday & Sunday 9 pm EST plus other times at random.
3.) Must be mature minded. A sick sense of humor helps.
4.) Must be a team player willing to help and respect others.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 20

Ø Batallas7236
Ø WN8852,77

Miembros del Clan

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha