[AM0K] Amok Rising

NO GODS NO MASTERS againts all authority "to make a furious and desperate charge"


Early travelers in Asia sometimes describe a kind of military amok, in which soldiers apparently facing inevitable defeat suddenly burst into a frenzy of violence which so startled their enemies that it either delivered victory or at least ensured what the soldier in that culture considered an honorable death.
In contemporary Indonesia, the term amok (amuk) generally refers not to individual violence, but to frenzied violence by mobs. Indonesians now commonly use the term 'gelap mata' (literally 'darkened eyes') to refer to individual amok.In the Philippines, amok also means unreasoning murderous rage by an individual.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 12

Ø Batallas17565
Ø WN81546,15

Miembros del Clan

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas


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