[4ZKN] Forsaken Rangers

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."- JFK


2 members will forever be shined and NEVER given up. As the death of one of our founding members Datatech will never be let go and his son(who's alive but never forgotten after that faithful day, ChaosRules01. We are a friendly clan and looking to restart to our former glory. Looking for anything and everything.

We still have our sister clan 4ZKN2 and are friendly to those in the Military.

Got a Facebook page and discord.

We do welcome streamers and content creators as well.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 9

Ø Batallas14973
Ø WN8983,71

Miembros del Clan

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha