[-TLM-] Tulta Munille

Just for fun. Nothing serious. Keeping it real. Vets and hockey fans welcome! Tankers Lives Matter!


Made this clan just for fun. Willing to take new recruits if you are willing to just chill, and battle with dignity and respect for other gamers and yourself. Veterans are very, very welcome but not mandatory. Thank you all for your service! Chicago Blackhawks fans welcome, but so are any other hockey fans.

Looking for friends or fellow veterans with similar values and team mates to battle with in random battles mainly.

Tankers Lives Matter!

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 21

Ø Batallas30048
Ø WN8968,36

Miembros del Clan

#Nombre del jugador30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoriasBatallasUltima batallaPosiciónIngreso
1Shoot_Claus_instead3042,0810541759,9652,43%33747Oficial de combate
2HVAP_APCR264,101681517,3251,75%51313Oficial de personal
4UberStinger0,0001280,3451,90%18651Oficial de personal
7McTweed1171,961331027,8250,63%10727Oficial de personal
8Pommes_Mit_Mayo1223,56330957,4648,33%31509Oficial de combate
9jjt_20161090,78373921,3847,54%57158Oficial de combate
10Krumple1644,15180899,2449,67%43980Oficial de combate
11tecmar0,000897,4248,80%16428Oficial de personal
12Blackwatch21114,92213897,6948,57%40090Oficial de personal
13jimthehut1354,45265858,4148,21%59037Oficial de combate
14Swordthrower0,000851,2350,21%4286Oficial de personal
15JaguarJuice1989,37370840,6947,34%68033Oficial de inteligencia
16SergeantDevil0,000830,6647,18%8082Oficial de personal
17psychedelicdonut0,000818,6948,68%39166Oficial de combate
18Falcon_Flyer0,000661,9145,73%87771Oficial de inteligencia
19silver13710,000530,2046,03%19725Oficial de combate
20jediM0,000369,3347,86%608Oficial de personal
21Inyourface_unconquerable0,000272,1144,79%2541Oficial de personal

Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha