[VOVA] Farming To Go

Clan building and Farm Credits / Clan aufbau und Farm Credits / Клан строительства и Фарм Кредиты


Hello, tonight we will turn on clan reserves, additional credits. Come to us and have fun

You have no clan obligations, play your game and get additional credits.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 89

Ø Batallas26190
Ø WN81575,43

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
vladgermaniusIngreso18/02/2025, 17:33 UTC
tankis2023Baja 06/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
walpio02Baja 06/02/2025, 17:45 UTC
xxXkilerswaggbogoss31XxxBaja 04/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
Cloud_ShaderIngreso04/02/2025, 11:54 UTC
12KingOrbit21Baja 03/02/2025, 09:15 UTC
speedy_ghosterBaja 03/02/2025, 09:15 UTC
RustedRustyIngreso02/02/2025, 18:54 UTC
liken700Baja 01/02/2025, 10:27 UTC
Touche_TurtleIngreso31/01/2025, 17:33 UTC
edumardoIngreso28/01/2025, 21:26 UTC
all_rugbyIngreso28/01/2025, 20:45 UTC
Mr__DMGIngreso27/01/2025, 13:56 UTC
GutsOverFearIngreso23/01/2025, 16:37 UTC
wwProIngreso22/01/2025, 07:45 UTC