[UA_WO] Ukrainian Wolf

Граємо разом! Let's play together! Играем вместе!


Виконувати кланові завдання (грати у взводі з соклановцями або у вилазках) та наявність Discord – ОБОВ'ЯЗКОВО! Весь зароблений ресурс йде на кланові бонуси. Найменш активні бійці виключаються або переводяться до нашого другого клану (Ukrainian Wolf 2). За відсутності у грі більше 2 тижнів, гравець тимчасово виводиться зі складу.
Удачі в боях та гарної гри!

Completing clan tasks (playing in a platoon with clanmates or in a squad) and having a Discord is a MUST! All earned resources go to clan bonuses. The least active fighters are excluded or transferred to our second clan (Ukrainian Wolf 2).
Good luck in your battles!

Выполнять клановые задачи (играть во взводе с соклановцами или в вылазках) и наличие Discord - ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО! Весь заработанный ресурс идет на клановые бонусы. Наименее активные бойцы исключаются или переводятся в наш второй клан (Ukrainian Wolf 2). При отсутствии в игре более 2 недель, игрок временно выводится из состава.
Удачи в боях и хорошей игры!

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 97

Ø Batallas23716
Ø WN81215,02

Miembros del Clan

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
acrossalIngreso21/02/2025, 00:51 UTC
sermayorovichIngreso20/02/2025, 22:46 UTC
GekaliaIngreso20/02/2025, 09:16 UTC
lojzo193755Baja 19/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
vlad22000Baja 19/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
_KOT_C_TE4KOII_Baja 19/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
donbass_mstit_526Baja 19/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
RitaNiezlaCipaBaja 19/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
artur_koroninBaja 19/02/2025, 08:30 UTC
moxindrIngreso19/02/2025, 01:31 UTC
Alex1_1975Ingreso17/02/2025, 23:13 UTC
dorofeev_sanyaBaja 17/02/2025, 09:11 UTC
yrraaBaja 16/02/2025, 09:07 UTC
artur_koroninIngreso16/02/2025, 00:51 UTC
RitaNiezlaCipaIngreso16/02/2025, 00:34 UTC
BAYRACTAR_2025Baja 16/02/2025, 00:24 UTC
dorofeev_sanyaIngreso15/02/2025, 10:33 UTC
lojzo193755Ingreso15/02/2025, 00:56 UTC
vogak_75483Ingreso14/02/2025, 23:38 UTC
DanyrikBaja 14/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
dim___dimuchBaja 14/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Skotynyaka_TakaBaja 14/02/2025, 19:30 UTC
Katana_strikeIngreso14/02/2025, 17:00 UTC
nikalay140772Baja 14/02/2025, 02:20 UTC
HABb_idetBaja 13/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
KaraTop21Baja 13/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
hasamaniBaja 13/02/2025, 18:07 UTC
andreidfghjIngreso13/02/2025, 17:17 UTC
donbass_mstit_526Ingreso13/02/2025, 16:55 UTC
_KOT_C_TE4KOII_Ingreso13/02/2025, 15:10 UTC
NeRoN_Spb78Ingreso13/02/2025, 06:41 UTC
_Bar4kuda_Ingreso12/02/2025, 22:40 UTC
ArhzzBaja 12/02/2025, 02:21 UTC
krutou4Ingreso11/02/2025, 16:32 UTC
1996vladislavIngreso11/02/2025, 15:54 UTC
vovan_k13Ingreso11/02/2025, 15:54 UTC
DelintBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
_1YuraBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Sofmax1983Baja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
ABAT_RAFBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Maks111RoyaleBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Ruba1984Ingreso10/02/2025, 17:50 UTC
Javelin_winIngreso10/02/2025, 16:17 UTC
4EMPION_ALFA_Baja 10/02/2025, 09:42 UTC
yrraaIngreso09/02/2025, 19:01 UTC
Adrenalin333_1522813Baja 09/02/2025, 00:21 UTC
LjiviyIngreso08/02/2025, 22:42 UTC
karpo1980Baja 08/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
StasyanKRIngreso08/02/2025, 19:53 UTC
Kamaz1k001Ingreso08/02/2025, 18:27 UTC
Laos_2014Ingreso08/02/2025, 17:16 UTC
_xoma_2003Ingreso08/02/2025, 14:25 UTC
_PA3Beg4ukIngreso08/02/2025, 14:01 UTC
hasamaniIngreso08/02/2025, 12:54 UTC
A_H_D_P_E_UBaja 07/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
donbass_mstit_526Baja 07/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
MY__NAME_IS__SAMSUNGBaja 07/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
kasirbankBaja 07/02/2025, 18:20 UTC
andrus1212Ingreso07/02/2025, 14:21 UTC
Agent_KsaneksIngreso06/02/2025, 22:33 UTC
xSpichakBaja 06/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
SLAVA_UKRAINE_536Ingreso04/02/2025, 21:19 UTC
N350zjBaja 04/02/2025, 02:40 UTC
Ksanas29Ingreso03/02/2025, 23:11 UTC
arman2018_88848567Ingreso03/02/2025, 20:21 UTC
GekacomIngreso03/02/2025, 19:25 UTC
4EMPION_ALFA_Ingreso03/02/2025, 17:51 UTC
DanyrikIngreso02/02/2025, 22:12 UTC
Urean_DestroyerBaja 02/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
Alkatraz_01Baja 02/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
volotIngreso02/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
MisterByIngreso02/02/2025, 14:03 UTC
zydells1977Ingreso02/02/2025, 11:37 UTC
pepetinhaIngreso01/02/2025, 23:16 UTC
MONSTR__gerojIngreso01/02/2025, 22:35 UTC
NoNaME_835Ingreso01/02/2025, 18:41 UTC
Gadzyla_907Ingreso01/02/2025, 16:01 UTC
BAYRACTAR_2025Ingreso01/02/2025, 06:39 UTC
karpo1980Ingreso31/01/2025, 21:38 UTC
Gadzyla_907Baja 31/01/2025, 11:47 UTC
_Maksimus7_Baja 31/01/2025, 11:47 UTC
Foiled_BlackBaja 31/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
Adrenalin333_1522813Ingreso30/01/2025, 21:25 UTC
Leon_ShinckuBaja 30/01/2025, 21:07 UTC
__TViNKi__Baja 30/01/2025, 21:07 UTC
snowboy96_Baja 30/01/2025, 09:16 UTC
Be_Easy_Baja 30/01/2025, 07:25 UTC
ArtmetallBaja 30/01/2025, 00:48 UTC
uHkBu3uToP_Baja 29/01/2025, 09:11 UTC
Ghost_CAT27Baja 29/01/2025, 09:11 UTC
uHkBu3uToP_Ingreso28/01/2025, 23:21 UTC
rotveller_123Baja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
HaLuBaToP_Baja 28/01/2025, 01:16 UTC
Me4ItAtb_NeBrEdNoIngreso27/01/2025, 17:40 UTC
ABTO__MOTOIngreso27/01/2025, 16:27 UTC
potash007Ingreso26/01/2025, 21:43 UTC
Alex1_1975Baja 26/01/2025, 21:11 UTC
BKJl_BbIKJlBaja 26/01/2025, 21:11 UTC
Wirtex_Royall_Ingreso26/01/2025, 04:29 UTC
stratovarius_70Baja 26/01/2025, 02:47 UTC
UA_TEXNIKBaja 26/01/2025, 00:20 UTC
potash007Baja 25/01/2025, 21:08 UTC
kfjhlBaja 25/01/2025, 21:08 UTC
daunting_NOVA_355Baja 25/01/2025, 21:08 UTC
TvoY_FonTaNIngreso25/01/2025, 18:18 UTC
Skotynyaka_TakaIngreso25/01/2025, 18:08 UTC
arsen_ref24Ingreso25/01/2025, 17:20 UTC
xSpichakIngreso25/01/2025, 13:12 UTC
ArhzzIngreso23/01/2025, 19:33 UTC
Soul_GamerBaja 22/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
bendera123Baja 22/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
donbass_mstit_526Ingreso22/01/2025, 07:45 UTC