[TEARX] Tearex


International clan with no obligation and no demands. Just play random for fun when you want.

Internationaler Clan ohne Verpflichtungen und ohne Ansprüche. Spielen Sie zum Spaß einfach zufällig, wann immer Sie möchten.

Clan international sans obligation ni exigence. Jouez simplement au hasard pour vous amuser quand vous le souhaitez.

Międzynarodowy klan bez zobowiązań i bez wymagań. Po prostu graj losowo dla zabawy, kiedy chcesz.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 91

Ø Batallas15836
Ø WN81082,16

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
typhoon_55Ingreso04/03/2025, 15:32 UTC
CaM0JIeTuKBaja 01/03/2025, 17:38 UTC
JohniPhilpoBaja 01/03/2025, 05:25 UTC
kisielekK12Baja 25/02/2025, 17:35 UTC
VAbelitoBaja 22/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
jattymarBaja 22/02/2025, 17:45 UTC
WAGABUNDA_2018Baja 22/02/2025, 05:54 UTC
Broken_B_O_Y_Baja 21/02/2025, 23:46 UTC
Gechi22Baja 21/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
_Balance_Department_Baja 21/02/2025, 09:06 UTC
Matula36Ingreso16/02/2025, 19:58 UTC
hora1000Baja 16/02/2025, 05:38 UTC
sgt_gunshotBaja 15/02/2025, 20:19 UTC
Jony_Veiga96Ingreso15/02/2025, 20:03 UTC
cross_motorsyIngreso15/02/2025, 11:20 UTC
Broken_B_O_Y_Ingreso15/02/2025, 10:22 UTC
WAGABUNDA_2018Ingreso14/02/2025, 04:40 UTC
jattymarIngreso13/02/2025, 22:21 UTC
pghmcoenenIngreso13/02/2025, 22:17 UTC
wot_gamer_gerIngreso13/02/2025, 20:34 UTC
kisielekK12Ingreso13/02/2025, 17:41 UTC
leinadaciotsIngreso12/02/2025, 17:03 UTC
VoN412Ingreso12/02/2025, 16:33 UTC
Klasyk0606Ingreso12/02/2025, 10:56 UTC
Heawy11Ingreso12/02/2025, 09:28 UTC
halo4ost_destroyerBaja 12/02/2025, 06:12 UTC
halo4ost_destroyerIngreso11/02/2025, 16:13 UTC
Howard_Stark00Ingreso11/02/2025, 15:24 UTC
CaM0JIeTuKIngreso11/02/2025, 15:02 UTC
Ahmad_SaQrIngreso11/02/2025, 14:53 UTC
Gechi22Ingreso11/02/2025, 08:05 UTC
YejokBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
_Balance_Department_Ingreso10/02/2025, 16:11 UTC
culjkoIngreso09/02/2025, 21:12 UTC
sgt_gunshotIngreso09/02/2025, 20:29 UTC
Fortis_Fortuna_Ingreso09/02/2025, 19:55 UTC
Pancerny_MelonIngreso09/02/2025, 16:30 UTC
jevriendIngreso09/02/2025, 13:29 UTC
TankalexanderIngreso09/02/2025, 13:20 UTC
bozzylaaaaIngreso08/02/2025, 23:08 UTC
zloba999Ingreso08/02/2025, 21:55 UTC
brutuchaliIngreso08/02/2025, 16:15 UTC
LoLoL3202Baja 07/02/2025, 20:19 UTC
sandking11Ingreso07/02/2025, 19:42 UTC
sonkomutaIngreso07/02/2025, 17:02 UTC
qlimax1975Ingreso07/02/2025, 13:01 UTC
99nikeflightIngreso06/02/2025, 19:26 UTC
asadadsasaIngreso06/02/2025, 11:05 UTC
tintin7322Baja 06/02/2025, 09:19 UTC
STAFFK1NGIngreso05/02/2025, 20:03 UTC
NovyzzIngreso05/02/2025, 19:54 UTC
gogousek13Ingreso05/02/2025, 19:48 UTC
Big_Bud97Baja 05/02/2025, 17:24 UTC
LordBlackadder14Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
OkillaBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
pitBUL20032Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
wispiBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
slain_mcrothBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
hajricfadil123Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
FreakieChaserBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
xSpecial_ShotBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
CHARLES127Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
Lodowka_2020Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
NovotvurBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
D__E__A__T__HBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
ChemicalAssaultBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
kyko1916Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
jvs_2013Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
deluxe357Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
brutuchaliBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
auras_bossBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
mattan84Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
robi97robiBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
plOx_Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
tankfighter3000Baja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
wins28tonBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
LuckyfiretankerBaja 05/02/2025, 08:45 UTC
szabotitanBaja 05/02/2025, 08:45 UTC
ftcseteIngreso04/02/2025, 19:59 UTC
hora1000Ingreso04/02/2025, 18:55 UTC
TankerMKDIngreso04/02/2025, 18:22 UTC
Baksiu31Ingreso04/02/2025, 17:46 UTC
AtzBaja 04/02/2025, 14:15 UTC
ukzombieBaja 03/02/2025, 22:41 UTC
HunturkuBaja 03/02/2025, 21:07 UTC