[TAC] Tactical Armoured Corps

Skilful, Deadly and Defiant.


Welcome from Tactical Armoured Corps [TAC] and thank you for your interest!

Like any other clan, we are always on the look out for active Clan members

We are a social, multinational Clan. Join and have fun and make new friends.

You need to have Discord and have a acceptable understanding of the English language.
You need to be on TeamSpeak while in-game after 7pm (1900).

Again, Thank you for your interest in [TAC].

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 55

Ø Batallas28284
Ø WN81357,79

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
RidiginalBaja 17/02/2025, 21:05 UTC
Infinity9105Ingreso30/01/2025, 19:22 UTC