[T-C-B] CrasyBulls

Spiel, Spass und Spannung


Wir sind ein hauptsächlich Deutscher clan im aufbau. Wir haben keine grossen anforderungen. Wir haben einen discord server, einfach einen von der clanleitung anschreiben dann schicken wir euch den link. Wenn ihr fragen habt dann einfach einen von der clan leitung anschreiben.

We are a mainly German clan in the making. We don't have any major requirements. We have a discord server, just write to one of the clan leaders and we will send you the link. If you have any questions, just write to one of the clan leaders.


Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 24

Ø Batallas5597
Ø WN81225,11

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
PfandflascheIngreso19/02/2025, 21:28 UTC
Captaln_BaluIngreso19/02/2025, 20:46 UTC
Larp_vikingIngreso19/02/2025, 08:44 UTC
GeneralSchwabbel_69Ingreso18/02/2025, 19:31 UTC
NGC_6302Baja 15/02/2025, 20:29 UTC
NGC_6302Ingreso14/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
NoSkiLL_81Baja 11/02/2025, 18:06 UTC
IronSide_81Ingreso11/02/2025, 12:56 UTC
moon2704Baja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Dampfhammer_ironBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
FKGMadnessIngreso10/02/2025, 09:26 UTC
Kaeptn_Iglo87Baja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
SattanistaBaja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
Michaszek_koxiBaja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
ZHC_Baja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
Lord_LakarucBaja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
vadim_2012_2023Baja 09/02/2025, 21:09 UTC
Veka1963Baja 09/02/2025, 20:34 UTC
AVocadoPlayBaja 09/02/2025, 20:25 UTC
smile911Baja 09/02/2025, 20:23 UTC
marcoverkill37Baja 09/02/2025, 20:18 UTC
humanrevolution9Baja 09/02/2025, 18:26 UTC
The_DaddlerBaja 09/02/2025, 18:26 UTC
IBRAHEM_ALAESABaja 09/02/2025, 18:26 UTC
angry_cobra_11Baja 09/02/2025, 18:26 UTC
FIXON_2023Baja 09/02/2025, 18:24 UTC
xoma_xBaja 09/02/2025, 18:18 UTC
kunto_sruntoBaja 09/02/2025, 17:57 UTC
fmx213Baja 09/02/2025, 17:33 UTC
selekcionerBaja 09/02/2025, 17:27 UTC
BlegharBaja 09/02/2025, 17:20 UTC
flyer9522Baja 09/02/2025, 15:49 UTC
NoSkiLL_81Ingreso08/02/2025, 14:51 UTC
GrAvIcApA777_1Baja 03/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Andro_sordiaBaja 02/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
maniatakosBaja 01/02/2025, 23:49 UTC
Novik007theBaja 01/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Dampfhammer_ironIngreso01/02/2025, 10:19 UTC
XoJIMc_Vs_MopuapmuBaja 01/02/2025, 09:18 UTC
wajper0100Baja 31/01/2025, 21:08 UTC
marcus_3_3_3Baja 31/01/2025, 18:17 UTC
denissumBaja 31/01/2025, 18:17 UTC
MichiFFWIngreso31/01/2025, 09:14 UTC
kaya_MonsantoBaja 30/01/2025, 17:42 UTC
MatrixdorikBaja 29/01/2025, 12:17 UTC
premier_tanker_260Baja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
SashkareskaBaja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
jose_manuel_birnerBaja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
Ovidiu432Baja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
mcdv39Baja 28/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
dominikkoziBaja 28/01/2025, 20:29 UTC
Deltarbin1337Ingreso28/01/2025, 20:15 UTC
Grafi_PlayBaja 28/01/2025, 18:15 UTC
MatIGedBaja 28/01/2025, 18:15 UTC
Der_Uwe_3Ingreso28/01/2025, 16:10 UTC
DerEliteFritzBaja 27/01/2025, 21:06 UTC
Der_Uwe_5Ingreso27/01/2025, 13:44 UTC
SurefiremanBaja 26/01/2025, 21:11 UTC
BlackBailyBaja 26/01/2025, 20:27 UTC
Veronika_RusakovaBaja 26/01/2025, 13:00 UTC
herobrine200808Baja 25/01/2025, 18:30 UTC
Art_26072012Baja 23/01/2025, 20:49 UTC
sin_MasakiIngreso23/01/2025, 18:50 UTC