[LAPIS] Lapis Lazuli

Cope for the win, deal with the loss.


[LAPIS] - Lapis Lazuli

About us:

Clan [LAPIS] Lapis Lazuli is a clan which is looking to gain new members and build a strong, friendly and competitive community. Our goal as a clan is to bring players together in order to improve our skill and meet new friends. We would like to build up the clan and do strongholds and clan wars/advances on a regular basis.

Clan Portal URL:

‣ 50/52% Winrate (Recent)
‣ 2.5K DPG on meta tier X
‣ Attending clan activities at least once a week
‣ Being an active WoT player
‣ At least one of these tanks: Obj 277, 60TP, CS63, BZ 75 (for skirmishes/advances)

What we offer:
‣ We offer a friendly environment
‣ You will meet many new friends
‣ Platoons every day
‣ Frequent clan boosters
‣ Strongholds/Clanwars/Global Map

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 42

Ø Batallas17909
Ø WN81738,58

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
Corpse_DeadBaja 14/02/2025, 11:26 UTC
KoladekBaja 13/02/2025, 23:39 UTC
SkibidiusToiletusMaximusIngreso09/02/2025, 20:15 UTC
TankGuardBaja 08/02/2025, 02:21 UTC
BonqrsBaja 05/02/2025, 09:21 UTC
VaguelyHumanBaja 04/02/2025, 00:15 UTC
FenixOnMountainPassIngreso27/01/2025, 15:40 UTC
azureotsuBaja 27/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
Toasted_NinjaBaja 25/01/2025, 17:40 UTC
M1RN355Ingreso25/01/2025, 12:07 UTC
Silver_SausageBaja 25/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
Big_EarBaja 25/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
EMVIIIBaja 25/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
HDubstep_on_copiumBaja 25/01/2025, 00:43 UTC