[KLUBI] HerrasmiesKlubi

Paskoille miehille käydään paskomassa postilaatikkoon.


Klubi on kilpailuhaluinen klaani joka pelaa aktiivisesti advancea, stronkkaa ja klaani sotia.

Klaanireservit on päivittäin päällä klo 17:30 - 23:30.
Viimeisen tuhannen pelin WN8 kriteeri 2000+
Klaanilla on iso ja aktiivinen discord serveri.

Yhteyshenkilöt: kenraali1234 ja Pallokala3

Klubi is english speaking friendly. Most of our clan members can speak english fluently.
If you play with us expect some rambling in finnish, in clan games we will give orders in finnish and in english.
Clan reserves are on between 17:30 - 23:30 finnish time.
Past 1000 games WN8 criteria 2000+
Clan has a big and active discord server, in to which you can come in by asking.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 97

Ø Batallas21176
Ø WN81902,00

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
PiaskaaIngreso18/02/2025, 19:37 UTC
killernostrilsBaja 18/02/2025, 15:01 UTC
KeksilatoIngreso14/02/2025, 11:42 UTC
Matias_pohjosIngreso13/02/2025, 18:11 UTC
BumBum76_2016Ingreso13/02/2025, 14:58 UTC
LaaiIngreso13/02/2025, 12:12 UTC
RupadipuuIngreso12/02/2025, 11:14 UTC
zsukkaIngreso11/02/2025, 18:34 UTC
VilugiIngreso11/02/2025, 16:48 UTC
MaxxxedIngreso11/02/2025, 14:34 UTC
KarstasIngreso10/02/2025, 21:10 UTC
nilitska123123Ingreso08/02/2025, 22:03 UTC
MyntsiiIngreso08/02/2025, 18:37 UTC
MIske222Ingreso07/02/2025, 15:45 UTC
piparkaakkuIngreso06/02/2025, 12:28 UTC
OneTankGuyIngreso02/02/2025, 20:13 UTC
MahtipelaajaIngreso02/02/2025, 11:38 UTC
WhilukkaIngreso01/02/2025, 21:59 UTC
_Jusu_Baja 01/02/2025, 21:58 UTC
masse_sBaja 01/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
vieterixbBaja 01/02/2025, 20:25 UTC
Elmeri21Ingreso29/01/2025, 13:51 UTC
velieemeliIngreso28/01/2025, 17:49 UTC
konsta265Ingreso28/01/2025, 12:05 UTC
h0nda99Ingreso27/01/2025, 15:29 UTC
Herra_HuuIngreso27/01/2025, 15:29 UTC
jopez99Ingreso26/01/2025, 05:23 UTC
ZurdauBaja 25/01/2025, 21:07 UTC
TastyTimesIngreso23/01/2025, 10:40 UTC
villerulettaaIngreso22/01/2025, 18:09 UTC
MursuKotkaIngreso21/01/2025, 22:29 UTC
P3tskuIngreso20/01/2025, 22:18 UTC
Joonas74Ingreso20/01/2025, 17:55 UTC