[ICF] Inter City Firm

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Inter City Firm.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 78

Ø Batallas19863
Ø WN82002,91

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
dominant_Mistik_666Ingreso16/02/2025, 21:02 UTC
Vladislav963Baja 13/02/2025, 08:45 UTC
NiceTry_Baja 09/02/2025, 20:34 UTC
SuperDuperBoyBaja 09/02/2025, 18:22 UTC
S_T_A_L_K_E_R2001Baja 09/02/2025, 00:08 UTC
NiceTry_Ingreso07/02/2025, 00:01 UTC
kolya_1000_687Baja 01/02/2025, 10:26 UTC
skaiuakarBaja 30/01/2025, 21:07 UTC
lBlessedlBaja 29/01/2025, 08:54 UTC
LeQaiFBaja 27/01/2025, 07:55 UTC
skaiuakarIngreso26/01/2025, 09:50 UTC
kolya_1000_687Ingreso26/01/2025, 08:21 UTC
4yma_Babi4aIngreso26/01/2025, 02:32 UTC
Serious_playerSBaja 26/01/2025, 00:19 UTC
RepaloKIngreso25/01/2025, 18:17 UTC
DronBiIngreso21/01/2025, 09:39 UTC
_CaH_CaHu4_Ingreso20/01/2025, 13:40 UTC
Korben_DaJIJIacIngreso19/01/2025, 19:24 UTC
cectpa_Biktpa_KicJIoroIngreso19/01/2025, 19:00 UTC