[HLUXE] Heavy Luxury

Роскошь требует жертв, и мы готовы платить цену. ?


Ищем полевых с свежими взглядами на игру!

Killer of modern clans
Your personal killer

Born to kill
Built to kill

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 22

Ø Batallas19391
Ø WN81499,37

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
ACERRANBaja 21/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
ACERRANIngreso19/03/2025, 23:34 UTC
matrazonIngreso15/03/2025, 11:27 UTC
skr567Baja 12/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
karasikvpooeBaja 12/03/2025, 20:34 UTC
_PowerJoghurt_Baja 11/03/2025, 00:42 UTC
I_Rave_IBaja 08/03/2025, 17:51 UTC
Oleksandr_777_sternIngreso08/03/2025, 09:56 UTC
Twix_xxIngreso06/03/2025, 10:47 UTC
enc0ver_Ingreso04/03/2025, 19:12 UTC
MuT9Iu_1Baja 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
ByTerBrOd__2Baja 27/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
kubasensspbystudiogamemoIngreso27/02/2025, 13:41 UTC
20_T_u_R_e_X_18Baja 26/02/2025, 00:16 UTC
_PowerJoghurt_Ingreso25/02/2025, 20:48 UTC
skr567Ingreso25/02/2025, 11:16 UTC
karasikvpooeIngreso25/02/2025, 11:16 UTC
IPS_144HZIngreso24/02/2025, 19:37 UTC
makc_Pro_674Baja 23/02/2025, 18:04 UTC
monti11111Ingreso23/02/2025, 14:25 UTC
99Andrey_Foma96Ingreso23/02/2025, 14:20 UTC
20_T_u_R_e_X_18Ingreso23/02/2025, 12:11 UTC
Dimon1977dIngreso23/02/2025, 12:10 UTC
I_Rave_IIngreso22/02/2025, 21:28 UTC
makc_Pro_674Ingreso22/02/2025, 21:20 UTC
Trec33Baja 22/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
Bog_Smerti3Baja 22/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
pzdcPrikoLIngreso21/02/2025, 21:49 UTC
MarysshBaja 21/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
MuT9Iu_1Ingreso21/02/2025, 12:00 UTC
ImLoveBMWIngreso21/02/2025, 11:41 UTC
ZloiSerg88Baja 21/02/2025, 06:06 UTC