[H-22] HLAVA 22



Jsme klan, který si zakládá na týmové práci a spolupráci. Můžeme každému novému hráči nabídnout pohodovou atmosféru, přátelské spoluhráče, časovou flexibilitu a hlavně možnost se prosadit, NEHLEDÍME NA ELLO a HODNOCENÍ.
Budeme rádi, když nás podpoříš a budeš silnou posilou našeho klanu !

Pokud máš zájem připojit se do našich řad máme zde pravidla !!
1) Chuť spolupracovat a účastnit se šarvátek a podobných klanových aktivit .
2) Vlastnit alespoň jeden tier X. (po případě poprosit někoho z presonalu aby vám pomohl)
3) Nutnost vlastnění mikrofonu - komunikace je pouze přes ,,Discort,, https://discord.gg/WVyjYC4m
4) Základy slušného chování .
5) Čas na to hrát a zlepšovat se .
6) Nebránit se novým věcem a pravidlům .
7) Naprosté respektování velitele a to co se týče hodností, tak i v kalanových aktivitách.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 67

Ø Batallas14009
Ø WN8906,49

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
djspider1Baja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
MirecSVK11Baja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
kosticek123Baja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
PifPaf_22Baja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
dadabu159Baja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Luke1732czBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Rast_k_B_ro_kBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
stody_kBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
lilshiyyoBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
AirconomyBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
_AshanchikBaja 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
AdaspierdziBaja 23/03/2025, 20:27 UTC
mighty__ArtemisBaja 23/03/2025, 18:20 UTC
stody_kIngreso23/03/2025, 12:29 UTC
BebebaIngreso22/03/2025, 19:11 UTC
Richard21kingIngreso22/03/2025, 18:05 UTC
cobra_298Ingreso22/03/2025, 16:40 UTC
Bludny_HolandanIngreso22/03/2025, 10:50 UTC
__ZEN0X__Baja 22/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
mighty__ArtemisIngreso21/03/2025, 21:02 UTC
_aba_Nebl_zniIngreso21/03/2025, 20:27 UTC
Burton_8Ingreso21/03/2025, 20:15 UTC
proks33Ingreso21/03/2025, 18:56 UTC
__ZEN0X__Ingreso20/03/2025, 20:55 UTC
QrKoooSIngreso20/03/2025, 17:06 UTC
palminekBaja 20/03/2025, 08:16 UTC
libofanBaja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
TheRayzBaja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Astero1dBaja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Cokkie_22Baja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
noitonBaja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
filipino3333Baja 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
benyeliminatorSLOIngreso19/03/2025, 20:34 UTC
davidhansIngreso19/03/2025, 17:23 UTC
Player_8401262350Baja 19/03/2025, 11:53 UTC
quer1905Baja 19/03/2025, 08:20 UTC
DanekVczBaja 18/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Piggy_destroyerBaja 17/03/2025, 03:21 UTC
gen_EshIngreso16/03/2025, 19:53 UTC
DHONATAN176Ingreso16/03/2025, 19:08 UTC
Piggy_destroyerIngreso16/03/2025, 10:27 UTC
HonzaaKuba13Ingreso16/03/2025, 07:20 UTC
lilshiyyoIngreso15/03/2025, 18:39 UTC
Rudolfus_warriorIngreso15/03/2025, 17:49 UTC
Davidkopravitko35Ingreso14/03/2025, 17:44 UTC
LadasaIngreso14/03/2025, 13:43 UTC
gavisekIngreso13/03/2025, 19:40 UTC
luboss150Ingreso13/03/2025, 17:32 UTC
palminekIngreso12/03/2025, 21:53 UTC
DanekVczIngreso12/03/2025, 18:49 UTC
Kaltk5Baja 12/03/2025, 17:36 UTC
Immortal_82Ingreso12/03/2025, 14:34 UTC
Tank_strikerIngreso11/03/2025, 20:11 UTC
AsarhieIngreso11/03/2025, 18:49 UTC
jaragamerIngreso11/03/2025, 16:13 UTC
skipy1992Ingreso10/03/2025, 22:47 UTC
mavilo_2018Ingreso10/03/2025, 21:20 UTC
ForbiddenEvilIngreso09/03/2025, 19:43 UTC
nothing_happenedIngreso09/03/2025, 08:37 UTC
LEONLADBaja 08/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
maaho78Ingreso08/03/2025, 20:01 UTC
AlfapanzIngreso08/03/2025, 19:18 UTC
201620_destroyerBaja 08/03/2025, 11:50 UTC
FabianLauxBaja 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
martiplIngreso07/03/2025, 19:31 UTC
dawidekakBaja 07/03/2025, 17:25 UTC
LEONLADIngreso07/03/2025, 14:11 UTC
TankerTucnakIngreso07/03/2025, 14:11 UTC
kuba__302Ingreso05/03/2025, 19:47 UTC
hellboy009Ingreso05/03/2025, 17:45 UTC
RobinX_PotahalIngreso04/03/2025, 22:53 UTC
Janopetrak07Ingreso04/03/2025, 20:07 UTC
AdaspierdziIngreso04/03/2025, 19:12 UTC
_Arny_Ingreso04/03/2025, 11:37 UTC
worewolfsBaja 04/03/2025, 11:19 UTC
SalamandrIngreso04/03/2025, 10:34 UTC
DonMaximIngreso04/03/2025, 09:43 UTC
MayorBorovickaIngreso03/03/2025, 23:23 UTC
hoch159Ingreso03/03/2025, 19:35 UTC
atom_709Ingreso03/03/2025, 18:30 UTC
p_game33Baja 02/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Spermie_XDBaja 01/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
nenapadnytankistaIngreso01/03/2025, 19:44 UTC
201620_destroyerIngreso01/03/2025, 18:25 UTC
sintieBaja 01/03/2025, 11:28 UTC
honzikHaIngreso01/03/2025, 11:03 UTC
kosticek123Ingreso01/03/2025, 10:44 UTC
milanfousekmlBaja 01/03/2025, 05:46 UTC
Martin_Divi_Baja 01/03/2025, 05:34 UTC
Gisella_StellungBaja 01/03/2025, 05:16 UTC
_Wardaddy__Fury_Baja 28/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
tuchnyBaja 28/02/2025, 20:16 UTC
dadabu159Ingreso28/02/2025, 10:03 UTC
Toust0Baja 28/02/2025, 09:06 UTC
Dudl1kBaja 28/02/2025, 08:15 UTC
Rumik_is_QueenBaja 28/02/2025, 05:34 UTC
djspider1Ingreso27/02/2025, 23:53 UTC
jatyjajakIngreso27/02/2025, 23:49 UTC
KvakDuckBaja 27/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Ciza_Raptor_CZIngreso27/02/2025, 17:24 UTC
_AshanchikIngreso27/02/2025, 16:57 UTC
FabianLauxIngreso27/02/2025, 14:20 UTC
Nikolas_Johnson_gunnerBaja 27/02/2025, 00:15 UTC
kocurikcek1Ingreso26/02/2025, 13:42 UTC
Tom_Coufal_1Baja 26/02/2025, 05:49 UTC
Rast_k_B_ro_kIngreso24/02/2025, 19:25 UTC
CepalBaja 23/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
Toust_0Baja 23/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
Kaltk5Ingreso23/02/2025, 20:35 UTC
Luke1732czIngreso22/02/2025, 19:21 UTC
DARAGON8Baja 22/02/2025, 18:07 UTC
Johny_o7Ingreso22/02/2025, 16:42 UTC