[G3R_B] German Bulls Rising

Its better to die for something than to live for nothing!


Some may have heard about this, but very few have lived to talk about it.
Amongst the many clans that have died in this type of war,
one clan survives to share this rare experience.
A clan who has won many battles with the speed and accuracy of it ́s guns.
Some call them a myth, others call them a legend.
But to those who have tasted the gunpowder of their every shot fired from their guns,
known them as the German Bulls!

Wir sind der G3R_B, der Ausbildungsclan der German Bulls Community !

- Training und Ausbildung
- Clanwars
- Scharmützel
- Turniere
- Training mit befreundeten Clans


- Den Willen zum Lernen und zur Verbesserung
- Willen zur Entwicklung der nötigen Panzer
- Aktives Spielen und Teilnahme am Clanleben
- Alter ab 16
- min 1x Tier VI Panzer.
- Soziales Benehmen
- Teilnahme Bollwerk, CW und Training
- TS Pflicht

Homepage: www.german-bulls.de
TS : ts.german-bulls.de

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 1

Ø Batallas1
Ø WN84130,42

Miembros del Clan

#Nombre del jugador30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoriasBatallasUltima batallaPosiciónIngreso

Estadísticas de Escaramuzas

#Nombre del jugador7D Battles30D Battles

Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha