[DR3DD] Immortals Dredd

We are... never mind :)


Immortals Dredd

RECRUITMENT STATUS :OPEN --> If you want to apply for the clan, contact our officers!

We are a semi-international clan with a core from Balkan.

What are we looking for:
- 2200+ overall wn8 / 3300+ recent wn8
- participation in CW
- comm. skills [ENG] (u must have a mic.)
-3k+ DPG IS-7,907,60TP,E5

Diplo: _SoFo_N3v3R_M1nD, _Voja_N3v3R_M1nD.

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 90

Ø Batallas29658
Ø WN82415,79

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
xAinedesIngreso20/02/2025, 17:41 UTC
Krvava_devetkaIngreso19/02/2025, 20:00 UTC
Preldza20Ingreso19/02/2025, 16:05 UTC
ABSINTH_The_GreatIngreso18/02/2025, 22:04 UTC
DSI_gunner_12Ingreso18/02/2025, 19:50 UTC
RaketasFTWIngreso18/02/2025, 19:14 UTC
simonraisIngreso18/02/2025, 19:02 UTC
Call_me_sTock_PurpleBotIngreso18/02/2025, 19:01 UTC
_alfa_cro_Ingreso18/02/2025, 18:59 UTC
O_N_E_S_H_O_T_O_N_E_H_ITIngreso18/02/2025, 17:37 UTC
Dr_Gang_BangIngreso18/02/2025, 17:36 UTC
Banbi__Ingreso18/02/2025, 17:09 UTC
rednxseIngreso18/02/2025, 16:09 UTC
Call__me__StefanIngreso18/02/2025, 15:44 UTC
Sp4rT4N_ParanojaIngreso18/02/2025, 14:51 UTC
mandichIngreso18/02/2025, 14:33 UTC
CofyPr0Ingreso18/02/2025, 13:13 UTC
Visna_Ingreso18/02/2025, 12:53 UTC
Armis1996Baja 17/02/2025, 06:57 UTC
_HolyBanana_Baja 13/02/2025, 08:19 UTC
_alfa_cro_Baja 10/02/2025, 23:58 UTC
Preldza20Baja 10/02/2025, 09:42 UTC
samtheman26Baja 10/02/2025, 06:18 UTC
CofyPr0Baja 09/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
RaketasFTWBaja 09/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
ABSINTH_The_GreatBaja 09/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
Harison_N3v3R_M1nDBaja 09/02/2025, 20:23 UTC
Visna_Baja 09/02/2025, 17:54 UTC
Krvava_devetkaBaja 09/02/2025, 17:54 UTC
rednxseBaja 09/02/2025, 17:49 UTC
Banbi__Baja 09/02/2025, 14:20 UTC
mandichBaja 09/02/2025, 11:41 UTC
Call__me__StefanBaja 09/02/2025, 06:16 UTC
DSI_gunner_12Baja 09/02/2025, 00:21 UTC
Sp4rT4N_ParanojaBaja 08/02/2025, 23:28 UTC
simonraisBaja 08/02/2025, 23:22 UTC
VIIITEXBaja 08/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
Gold_Spamer_2019Baja 08/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
Dr_Gang_BangBaja 07/02/2025, 21:08 UTC
__ThE_EnD_Baja 07/02/2025, 09:08 UTC
Karcsika06Baja 03/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
o_0__ALGBaja 02/02/2025, 09:07 UTC
R_Zsozso_Ingreso01/02/2025, 15:46 UTC
Xx_BAYREM_xXBaja 31/01/2025, 17:42 UTC
_ReeFIayBaja 31/01/2025, 09:07 UTC
Y_IssIIngreso27/01/2025, 22:29 UTC
Xx_BAYREM_xXIngreso23/01/2025, 21:30 UTC
Gold_Spamer_2019Ingreso23/01/2025, 19:30 UTC
__ThE_EnD_Ingreso22/01/2025, 15:52 UTC