[BARNY] Barney Rubble Club

Stick it in, Twist it, Pull it out


OPEN to MAD Dogs and Strays

We like to go BOOM BOOM BANG BANG, if that sounds like a bit of you please apply
New and Seasoned players welcome, we don't care about what tier tanks you have, what your stats and ratings are or if your 19 or 90, we are about having fun and enjoying the game with a bit of banter thrown in for good measure.

All you need to apply is to understand English (its don't even have to be your first language init)

No keyboard warriors or haters needed thank-you!

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 46

Ø Batallas10133
Ø WN8627,20

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
Tripzor_1Ingreso21/02/2025, 23:59 UTC
LookOutGuysBaja 18/02/2025, 18:03 UTC
Mav3rick69Ingreso11/02/2025, 17:56 UTC
i_BeDbMaKIngreso10/02/2025, 18:25 UTC
ZuneXIngreso07/02/2025, 15:57 UTC
LookOutGuysIngreso06/02/2025, 14:31 UTC
gagagagagagagaaIngreso02/02/2025, 10:19 UTC
De4thwingzIngreso28/01/2025, 08:09 UTC
PigeonatorIngreso25/01/2025, 20:56 UTC
Pingu1131Ingreso24/01/2025, 09:07 UTC