[B00BZ] www.b00bs-clan.com

[b00bs] = n00bs who like boobs


Discord: https://discord.gg/VYqDYp6
Teamspeak: ts3.b00bs-clan.com

JOIN US! Recruitment is open for all skill levels

We play WoT on daily basis, mostly over nights in EUro time zone.

Active in skirmishes against other teams whenever there are few online interested into that, otherwise we have fun in platoon on standard public games.

Plan on doing advances and global map matches as soon as we have enough active members

[b00bs] is international multi gaming clan that we started in 2008; playing as [b00bz] in WoT

Website: www.b00bs-clan.com
Youtube: youtube.com/b00bsclan

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 43

Ø Batallas10685
Ø WN81121,05

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
NewHorizon32Baja 15/02/2025, 18:16 UTC
TYGRYS130Ingreso12/02/2025, 19:14 UTC
NewHorizon32Ingreso11/02/2025, 21:58 UTC
XXL_FIngreso11/02/2025, 21:55 UTC