[29AR] Two Nine Alpha Romeo

Come Who Dares


[29AR] Two Nine Alpha Romeo

Hi Guys and Girls We are 29AR and are looking for more members to our friendly clan
We are mature players active 24/7, Applicants must be over 16yo and have a headset
We prefer members to have tier 10 for Skirmishing and Clan Wars But will accept tier8/9 players if your good
You need - A Win Rate of 49%+ 5k games, 4,500PR, play more than 4 evenings per week, and speak English.

We have members from all over the EU community, a large Dutch and English membership, all are welcome and have and a second clan [29AR2] for new players, or players with low stats.
We have a good Stronghold and Skirmish most nights
We have a mix of players and good social life.
We play for fun mainly platooning up in small groups and skirmish We also play in some clan Wars events and other competitions.
We have a clan members forum and TeamSpeak 3

[29AR] Two Nine Alpha Romeo...
Come Who Dares

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 55

Ø Batallas13648
Ø WN81289,85

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha