[-PGC-] -Purple_Gym_Crew-

Ko pobedi, pobedio. #ZimskeGume #RoštiljanjeNaErlenbergu by Garbolino97


We can offer:

Boosters for Random Battles and Stronghold
Platoons in Random Battles with clanmates
Clan drops for decals, blueprints, personal boosters for Random Battles

If you are interested in joining our clan contact one of our deputy commanders!

Estadísticas del clan

Número de miembros: 80

Ø Batallas22032
Ø WN81436,71

Miembros del Clan


Histórico de ingresos y bajas

Nombre del jugadorEstadoFecha
Braja68Baja 17/02/2025, 21:05 UTC
Bacva97Baja 11/02/2025, 11:44 UTC
GS_dadoBaja 10/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
YurkeeBaja 10/02/2025, 08:53 UTC
darEEECsGsBaja 09/02/2025, 06:17 UTC
SKYDocBrajaBaja 06/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
TaddugLPBaja 05/02/2025, 09:22 UTC
Bacva97Ingreso29/01/2025, 17:35 UTC